Thank you visitor for telling your opinion through the comments, votes or e-mails. It helps. It seems that it has been a tough poll and we haven't got big differences between one option and the others, have we? That makes me happy because I see that I do the right thing thinking well about it and all of them look good (or bad...) Let me tell you what the conclusions I have got are starting by the last one of the list:
Going back to Spain
It hasn't been one of my favourites but I think that it will always be an option when I have to think what the next step will be, no matter what I do in my life. At the present moment, going back there would be a step back. But the moment may arrive when I have turned a spin and the next step will lead me back to my origins. It is ruled out by now. Maybe in a not very far future, who knows. But certainly not immediate.
Study an MA
Yes, but not. This is something I have in mind and I considered it as an option although I don't think this is the best moment. I've got some money saved for the day I decide to do it so I am not worried about that. I hope not to need those savings, leave them alone and use them when I decide that it is a good moment to do the MA. And if I finally decide not to do it, it will be because I have had a better idea. Anyway, I'm not going to do it immediately this coming academic year.
Volunteer for work
It is not a bad option, indeed. However, I don't consider it immediately either. It is certainly a good way to improve the cv and show that you have more interests than plain money. But to do that, I have to find interesting projects which really help me to learn. Besides, as I also mentioned, this would be easier in other countries and my priority is to stay in the UK. I have to think as well that to volunteer for work for a long term, I need some economic support for my personal expenses and as I want to save what I've got so far, my account is now at 0. It is an option that I don't rule out for a mid term future if I manage to save something in the next few months.
Go somewhere else cheaper than Oxford
Going somewhere else other than Oxford only for money? I finally ruled out that one too. As I tell you, I have money saved for my future plans so living the day-to-day until I, maybe, start that MA in one year and half is enough right now. I would leave Oxford if I found I good job somewhere else, but not to do a simple job in a cheaper place. I have my friends and "my home" here, I could survive with a bad paid job. What would I have if I leave? A bad paid job in an unknown place and no friends but cheaper? The only good thing is that it is cheaper? That's it, I'm not going.
Work in a café in Oxford
In the short term, this is definitely my choice. Let me explain you the approach for the next months. First of all, let you know that if I find an interesting job here or somewhere else -worldwide- I'll take it. But in the meanwhile, I am going to look for a simple and normal job in Oxford. I don't want to leave suddenly and I'm not in a rush to go away. The contract in the house lasts until the end of August so, if nothing changes, that's the deadline. If something good enough to stay comes up, then I stay. If not, then I'd look for a voluntary job (after saving some money during the summer), I'd think other options or I might stretch my stay in Oxford if I consider that it is the best thing to do.
The truth is that I had decided it some days ago and even an anonymous visitor suggested me to do exactly the same and that cheered me up a bit. Once cleared what I am going to do, the job hunting starts. I'll look first in local bars. Wish me luck.