Individual’s personal blog that will be useful for all those who want to keep in contact wherever I go / Blog personal de un individuo que será útil para todos aquellos que quieren tener contacto donde quiera que voy

1 jun 2012

Sin vergüenza

¿Alguna vez te han propuesto posar desnudo para una sesión de fotos? No hablo de pornografía, ni siquiera de erotismo (aunque cada uno puede encontrar erotismo en los lugares más insospechados para los demás). Me refiero a algo más artístico, algo que inspire, que comunique y que sea bonito de ver. Unas buenas fotos sin importar lo que se fotografía. Más que una genial historia, una genial forma de contar la historia.

El caso es que a mí sí, a mí me propusieron posar para una sesión de fotos, desnudo. La cosa empezó en Noviembre de 2011. Se me acercó un tipo bailando en una fiesta, empezamos a hablar y a conocernos. Él era Bearfighter, un reputado fotógrafo semi-profesional, entre otras cosas, bastante conocido entre la comunidad de osos de Colonia y buena parte de Alemania. Ha exhibido y publicado fotografías en varias ocasiones con éxito. Yo había visto algo de su trabajo de antemano, pero no sabía quién era cuando se me acercó en la pista de baile -algo que ya me sorprende, teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de tíos impresionantes alrededor- y tampoco me explicó nada. Simplemente hablamos de otras cosas. No fue hasta el día siguiente que me enteré de quién era realmente y al cabo de un tiempo me propuso hacer una sesión de fotos.

Al principio me quedé un poco perplejo; yo no pensaba que encajase con el tipo de maromos y osazos que normalmente retrata (aquí su web). Pero luego lo pensé y, qué cojones, me subió el ego a la estratosfera. Saber que resulta que soy lo suficientemente fotogénico como para que un tío así me quiera fotografiar, me sentó de puta madre, para qué te voy a mentir. En fin, es algo subjetivo. No creo que sea objetivamente guapo pero mola saber que hay "público" ahí a quien pueda gustar mis fotos.

La sesión se hizo en unas tres horas. Probamos distintas cosas, algunas ideas suyas, otras mías y otras improvisadas. Tomó unas 400 fotos, de las cuales sólo son realmente buenas unas pocas (¡bueno, tampoco voy a ser ahora un profesional de la pose!). Como artista, él tiene todos los derechos sobre las fotografías. Puede venderlas a particulares y acabar colgadas en el salón de tu casa (si quieres una dime o contacta con él), puede publicarlas en libros, revistas, exhibirlas en exposiciones o incluso ser utilizadas en fliers, posters y anuncios online para fiestas y eventos. No, no me da vergüenza, ¡para nada! Al contrario, ¡mejor cuanta más gente las vea! Me encantó hacerlo y estoy muy orgulloso y contento con el resultado. También muy agradecido porque me encanta cómo lucen y el ego se me ha puesto en órbita lunar desde que las vi. No hay quien me aguante y me encantaría volver a hacerlo. Jo tío, cómo me gustaría ser portada del Vanity Bear... ¡¡jajaja!!


Have you ever had a proposal to pose naked for a photo shoot? I'm not talking about pornography, not even about erotic photo (although everyone can find eroticism in the most unexpected places for others). I mean something more artistic, something that inspires, that communicates and that is nice to see. Some good photos, regardless what they show. Rather than a cool story, a cool way to tell the story.

The thing is that it has happened to me. I received a proposal to pose for a photo shoot, naked. It started in November 2011. A guy got closer to me dancing in a party, we started chatting and getting to know each other. He was Bearfighter, a semi-professional photographer with good reputation, among other things, quite well-known in the bear community in Cologne and other parts in Germany. He's shown and published his photos several times with success. I had seen some of his work before, but I didn't know who he was when he came closer on the dance floor -something that already surprised me considering the amount of impressive men around- and he didn't explain me anything either. We just talked about other stuff. It wasn't until the day after that I knew who he was and some time later he proposed me to do a photo shoot.

At the beginning I was a bit astonished; I didn't think I match the kind of hunks and big bears that he normally photographs (his web here). But then I had second thoughts and, what the heck, my ego went up into the stratosphere. I'm not going to lie: it felt awesome to know that I am photogenic enough to be photographed by a guy like him. Oh well, it is something subjective. I don't think I am objectively handsome but it is cool to know that there is some "audience" out there who may enjoy my pictures.

The photo shoot took about three hours. We tried different things, some of his ideas, some of mine and some others improvised. He took about 400 photos, of which just a few are really good (well I am not a professional poser!). As an artist, he keeps all the rights of the pictures. He can sell them to private individuals and end up hanging from the wall of your living-room (if you want one, let me know or contact him), he can publish them in books, magazines, show them in an exhibition or even use them for fliers, posters or online adverts for parties and events. No, I am not embarrassed at all! On the contrary, the more people see them, the better! I loved to do it and I am very proud and happy with the result. I am also very grateful because I like the way they look and my ego got up into lunar orbit when I saw them. My friends can't stand being next to me now and I wish I could do it again. Oh man, I'd love to be on the cover of Vanity Bear... hahaha!!

Muchachada Nui 4x08 Los osos - el book

Once upon a time, there was a shed in the woods where a daddy bear and his cub were living. As the autumn was coming to an end, they were getting ready for the long hibernation.

DADDY BEAR: Iodine, nappies for adults... Well, I think that's it. But I have no idea what this kid is doing, the whole day lost around. WHERE THE HELL AR...! Opps! There you are... But what are you doing standing there. Have you packed up your stuff? The temperatures are going down!

CUB: Dad, I am so excited that I feel like crying. I want you to see something and then tell me your opinion.

DB: Oh son, sometimes is difficult to bear with you...

C: (whispering) Look at this one.

DB: But what... is this...!?

C: It's my book!! My friend Stephan did it, he is a photographer. He says that I have magnetism and transmit a lot of things with my eyes. He also said I could get to be a great top model. Dad, it was awesome... There was so much energy in the studio that we needed to shout for joy sometimes "UUUUHUHU!!!". It was electric!!
He also said that he may upload some photos to the internet. Isn't it über cool?

DB: Look at the mirror! You are über ridiculous!!!

C: I'm divine!!!

DB: Go away! I can't understand how you can be my son.

C: In case you don't know, this gesture shows my disdain {*x*}

(Later at the bedroom)

DB: What a quarrel... I'm so upset. Now I can't sleep!?

© Bearfighter