Individual’s personal blog that will be useful for all those who want to keep in contact wherever I go / Blog personal de un individuo que será útil para todos aquellos que quieren tener contacto donde quiera que voy

28 oct 2007

Destination: Woolwich

The last week has gone fast and quiet. I've been alone some days at home because my housemates have left for a familiar visit and Toni, the guy from Girona, left on thursday. Everything alright at work too because we've finally finished the tedious task of cleaning stone by stone the roman road across the site and we've taken the photos to rectify (don't worry if you don't know what this means, it's hard to explain in few words). It was really crap after July's flood. So I chose an area and I've started digging until the natural gravel. Once I got there, the same as always: recording, context sheets, photos... It's not very funny but it's more entertaining.

Anyway, my head has been in another places. By one hand I'm still sad for leaving this house, although it looks like I'll be able to stay a bit longer than we agreed at the beginning. I've also spent some time thinking about on November 3rd I'll finally meet my nephew, my older sister and my mother (she'll be at my sister's for a couple of days with us). Besides, a bit later I'll meet my middle sister (who will make me uncle of another nephew next March again!!) And I'm keen to start next week's job at Woolwich Arsenal.

I'm fed up with field work, very tired. I've never been a field archaeologist although I don't mind and it's also good to dig sometime for longer or shorter periods (the more things I can do, the better). But I don't want to be considered as a digger because I'm not actually. So, not only I'm happy for working with the buildings department but also because I'm out of the field work digging on site for some weeks. We'll see how many they are. They'll be two by the moment (with the week I'm travelling to Palma between them) but some changes may happen. That's why, with so much movement for the next few weeks, I don't know how able I'll be to attend the e-mail and the blog while I'm out of my house. Patience, dear visitor, is a virtue...

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