Individual’s personal blog that will be useful for all those who want to keep in contact wherever I go / Blog personal de un individuo que será útil para todos aquellos que quieren tener contacto donde quiera que voy

13 mar 2010

The most incredible story ever told (on my blog)

Some weeks ago, a friend pictured my life very well. He's been present in all the good and bad moments and he knows where to set the targets. He pointed at all the key spots since this story started; as he suggests, what I am today is greatly related to that decision. I made the most of every chance I had to learn more about everything I had in sight or close enough to touch. I did this and that, travelled here and there, met several people, moved to a different country, became a decent archaeologist... However, many people know that I never meant to be an archaeologist. Whereas most of my colleagues wanted to dig the past in search for answers since childhood, I just found it. Or was found by it to be precise. I accepted irresistible offer after irresistible offer, how could I refuse them? I enjoy a lot doing this, although it has its good and not so good moments. I had enough though, at least by now. Maybe it is time to try something different.

I was still in Manchester looking for a job, I applied for many roles. I received last week the answer from one of them: suddenly, they wanted me for an interview immediately. With no time to think about it, I accepted and got on a plane even though I had to cover my travel and accommodation expenses. I saw myself with good chances and, as a friend of mine said: "All big wins are linked to big risks". I had my bet and arrived to my destination on Wednesday morning after travelling all night. I attended to the interview on Thursday afternoon and was getting on another plane to come back to RAK first thing on Friday morning.

Nestor was right about 2010 and now there is a new chapter to add to this incredible story. New city, new country, new languaje, new job: on Monday 29th the very latest, I am starting my new role in Frankfurt-Main (Germany). I am going to be videogames tester at Nintendo-Europe.

"I have always been strong, although sometimes I have hesitated whether the luck hasn't laughed at me".
Miro la Vida Pasar
by Fangoria
Arquitectura Efímera (2004).

2 comentarios:

lucab dijo...

I can just smile! It's good news hearing you've got a new job in a new city and, not less important, in a new country.
I hope we will have the chance of meeting soon!
I agree with your friend: you've taken a risk and you've got your job.

I guess the deal has been quite good. ;-)

Go ahead, my friend!

Rafael MJ dijo...

Ciao Luca, come stai? My friend who said that is also a friend of yours: the quiet German of the cold look and the warm heart. You know, he has always the right words and hit the nail on the head again with this statement :-)

I am glad to read your news and can only think about meeting you again at some point. I am getting closer, hehe.

See you around here. Thanks for keeping visiting the blog.